Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Lack of Running Backs

There aren't a lot of full time RBs out there, teams have seemed to like to split time and change pace in order to control games better.  Which is understandable from a coach POV.  But from the fantasy football fans POV, it sucks and makes drafts and week-to-week very tough.  My solution, draft early and stay away from the split backs.  The obvious picks are keepers in many leagues but will be taken before QBs, in most leagues because of their importance to their team.  Ray Rice will be relavent for a couple more years as the workhorse, look for Arian Foster to have another wonderful season if he stays healthy, but if you draft him, I would draft Ben Tate as a safety net so noone else can have him.  Lesean McCoy Will kill it this year, and Ryan Matthews, since getting rid of Mike Tolbert, is the lone back at San Diego.  I think Chris Johnson will bounce back nicely, and I am super sold on Demarco Murray coming back, he is one of my keepers and I look to ride him all season (stay away from the sexual innuendoes here...pervs). McFadden will be good the first half of the season, but make sure you have something on the bench to fill in, Trent Richardson will be able to contribute right away in a depleted (to say the least) Cleveland Browns team. MJD will be important, if he signs and stays healthy, high risk player though.  Willis McGahee will do work in Denver but THeir rookie will make some noise somewhere this season.

A list of people I am not sold on
Adrian Peterson, because he is injured and wont be 100% all year
Matt Forte, I see Jay Cutler passing a whole lot this year, so Matt will be involved more in passing if he can get open in the flats
Marshawn Lynch, never been sold on this Skittle of joy
Jamal Charles, sucks and is not used correctly in KC
Fred Jackson, getting old and I look for CJ Spiller to make his mark this season.
Any Carolina Running Back (DeAngelo Williams, John Stewart, Mike Tolbert) They will all share time together and Cam Newton will be more importnant in the Red Zone over the others...If forced though, I would take Tolbert, he proved valuable in goal line instances.
Any Redskin RB for the open of the season...Hightower and Helu will share time the beginning of the season, I think Helu will win out the starting job though.
Frank Gore, Because I said so.
Beanie Wells, injury bug

Some Season Surprises to look for in later rounds
CJ Spiller as mentioned before
Peyton Hillis, I look for him to be the workhorse and Jamal Charles to take a back seat again
Doug Martin will win out eventually over a fumble ridden Legarret Blounte
Ahmad Bradshaw is the only RB to note in NY. Look to him when Eli isn't throwing the ball
Reggie Bush is going to be off the chains again after finding his legs again last year.
Mark Ingram will be the feature back in NO but look for Darren Sproles to be a very high scorer in PPR leagues.
I think the the biggest surprise will be Rashard Jennings out of Jacksonville, I forsee MJD getting injured when he signs and Rashad stepping in nicely.

Thats my view on RBs, QBs will be next time.  Chime in if you think I'm wrong or agree with my views.

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