Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ray Who??

After waiting a week or so, I think I am ready to talk about how I feel about Ray Allen and the future of the Celtics and why I don't think we will miss him.  It was a great five years with Ray.  I will miss him and what he brings to a/any team.  But we milked him for what he had left in the tank, took everything the Celtics needed from him.  His production and ability to perform this past year was in question. While he was still hitting his treys and free throws, he just wasn't able to play the amount of time needed.
(Courtesy Boston Globe) 
After Ray's heartfelt thanks for the great time in Boston, he is off to a team that won't ask much from him at all. He will be able to be saved for late game situations and to come off the bench.  He will most likely be very successful in doing what he needs to do as well, and the Heat will capitalize as well and, pending where Dwighty goes this offseason, will be on their way to another title.

Why we don't need him?

The Celtics have had a busy and successful off season in my eyes. Starting with a man who is already on our team, but just needed to have surgery and get healthy. The man who replaced Allen the second half of last season, Mr. Avery Bradley (What thinks of Avery). As long as Rondo is at the helm, Avery Bradley will be successful because he won't necessarily need to create his own shot(Which he DOES have an issue with) and will have time to build his talent while Pierce is still around taking the big shots.  Speaking of big shots, A signing I like is Jason Terry, an identical player type to Ray Allen. A good shooter, clutch shooter, three-point shooter, reliable 6th man (exactly what we needed).

Now time to talk draft.  There was speculation of trading the picks to move up in the draft (Thank God they didn't). As big of a Dukey and Celtic fan I am, Austin Rivers wasn't the right fit. 2 big clunkers for the inside, however, equals recipe for success.  Sullinger will be a guarantee, just needs to stay healthy. Melo, I think, is a brilliant pick. He will be a work in progress early, but, under the supervision of Kevin Garnett the next couple of years, will lose his lazy, dumb habits and be the rebounding, blockig machine he has the potential of being.  Which brings me to Garnett, with how he performed last year, he deserved to resign for whatever he wanted so he could retire along side Paul Pierce as a Celtic in the (Probably) near future. I think Garnett will embrace the roll of teacher as well. If I wanted anyone teaching a lanky 7 footer how to play and be intimidating, I would choose Garnett.

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