Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Red Sox Minors

      Reaching back on what I touched on yesterday (that's what she said), My POV on the Red Sox is the pitching needs an over haul.  From my understanding in order to bring someone up from the team affiliates a roster spot must open up, a team is limited to 40 spots.  In a perfect world, I think we have milked Josh beckett for all he is worth, maybe trade him for some money or future picks...Maybe a little Cole Hamles action.  Dice-K will be gone by the end of the year, Dubrount is expendable, maybe some sort of trade bait if he continues to be successful in 5-7 innings of work.

      Now you would think there could be some bit of prospect in the minors but there is only one that really stood out to me.  Justin Germano was just brought up and pitched almost 6 scoreless in relieve the other night and could prove to take a spot in the rotation if Bobby sees that Clay, Felix, or whoever is fifth in rotation (whether is be Cook, Morales, Bard) is not working out. Matt Barnes is also good for the future, but not right away. He was just drafted last year and seems to be tearing up whoever the Salem Red Sox play.

      Most talent is in their batting, which I wouldn't get rid of unless it was for a star.  They got a young'n in Jackie Bradley who is hot hitting right now for the Seadogs, that could prove valuable to an OKAY outfield. And of course Jose Iglesias is almost there, along with Bryce Brentz and of course Ryan Lavarnway who has already seen some time in the Bigs.

      All this research has led me back to the same thought that I ended the last Blog with....Be patient through what could be a rough year. There are some bright spots to look forward too
      But for the year, I think something like these standings makes sense to me, Baltimore will probably move down but other than that, I see no change...These two blogs about the Red Sox have depressed me a little, I will change the topic next time, Maybe a Little Dwight Howard drama or some Celtics talk. I will wait to bring up the Sox until something positive happens. 

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