Thursday, July 12, 2012

JoePa's Big Secret

Today's press conference with Former FBI agent Louis Freeh hurt the reputation of both the Penn St. and Joe Paterno(ESPN's coverage of the press conference). No matter how great of a legacy JoePa left behind, it will forever be tainted by the fact he didn't go to the max to save these children's lives. 

"In order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the university -- Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley -- repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse,"

I feel bad For Louis Freeh who had to be the one to bring the news to everyone about how whenever you think of Joe Paterno now, you think of him letting the monster Jerry Sandusky ruin the young lives of so many children like he did (With his rough housing in the showers and what not).  Louis Freeh will now forever be known as the man who determined Penn St. had this huge cover up and put their football ahead of these children's lives. Gambling against your own team doesn't look so bad anymore now does it Pete Rose?

 "The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized." 
(Man Takes A Great Mug Shot)

You would think that now Freeh has unveiled that Penn State stood behind and hid Sandusky and his "Extra-curricular activities" there will be punishment not only for the 3 out 4 who are in jail for a long time (the fourth, JoePa, passed away and can't quite attend prison) but for the school as well.  Now I hear that the Alumni has donated extra money in the recent past and the University has built this huge buffer for any lawsuits that come their way (Like from every child who was hurt or touched by Sandusky). My thought is a starting point for the Alumni/University is to donate a chunk of money towards something that benefits children who were sexaully abused/harassed. Next would be to punish the school by taking away scholarships, or at least punishing the football program with the usual no postseason BS.  Make an example of an organization that chose to hide a monster and try to save face rather than save children's lives. 

Then again a lot of people can argue that Penn State(good article from will be punished enough. I think we should bury the University and the football program with the life sentences Sandusky will be serving. I also believe Sandusky will be treated like he deserves by all the inmates he will share a cell block with (AKA, He won't have to exactly drop the soap if you know what I mean). I'm a man of faith and I have faith the organization and the people involved will get what they deserve. 

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